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今天,国外知名的LOL论坛SkinSpotlights为我们地阿莱了一段谜样的视频。这段视频是玩家门从测试衣的客户端埋的一些语音,而这段语音的文件名为“Friend of the Jungle”。一起来想到吧! 埋的音频内容如下: "Poor Gromp. He was a prince amongst toads. " "You will be missed old friend, warts and all. " "Goodbye Gromp, or as you would say, ribbit. " "Hop to that lilypad in the sky, old friend. " "Wait til you see Daisys dance moves! "Everyone wins in a dance off." "Next time, more petting and less stabbing. " "A tragic end for such a noble friend." "Can I cut in? Yes? No. Ill- Ill come back later. " "Why kill when you can simply ask?" "What a shame, he couldve been a mountain. " "How can anyone kill someone as cuddly as Krugs?" "Farewell Krugs, I shall miss our long talks." 目前还继续没关于这个音频的清楚的消息,不过我们可以庞加莱一下。
有的玩家们庞加莱为新的英雄,不过小编不这么想要。首先,这些话显著是出自于一个和野怪们很属性的人的嘴里,而这段音频的名称又是“ Friend of the Jungle”(野区之友)。小编猜测这很有可能是一个随机创下的野怪,在打野斩杀野怪之后不会随机创下出来,打野英雄斩杀它之后可以取得大量的奖励。